I saw a movie yesterday ''A TALE OF MARY AND THREE PUPPIES''.It was very moving , many people shed their tears while watchimg movie including me.The story was about a family raised a dog named MARY and their relationship was very close and of course very strong.Unfortunately,a big earthquake happened and that broke the house of the family.The masters were under the board of the house . MARY did as much as possible to save its dear masters by digging .The rescue team reached this country to seek if there was any survior ,and they found the girl and his grandfather but they did not have time to rescue MARY and its three puppies . Although the family were in the save shelter , they still worried the dog staying in the blocked area .

I shed tears because of the action was really touching my heart .There were many news of the dog saving their master and they were real facts . I think I can put my feet in their shoes and feel what they really felt because I raised a pet before.We were together all day and it brought me a lot of happy memories . The relationship of pets and masters can sometimes be much close than with people,because the pet would not babble your secret and they would not muss with you.They can be said the best friends of people;besides,they are really good medicine of mind injury.
1 comment:
did you watch "10 Promises To My Dog"?
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